me and hubby

me and hubby

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Diet

After a recent business trip i became really aware about how much weight i have gained in a year. In order for me to stay accountable I'm going to blog everyday what i eat. My husband says we are going to change our lifestyle not just crash diet.


  1. Special K Cereal and 2% milk
  2. 1 serving English peas
  3. special K Cereal and 2%milk
  4. 1 apple and peanut butter

Today: (so far)

  1. Peanut butter toast and a banana

Monday, June 23, 2008


I think i may be the most selfish person in the world. I always want something. I can't help it! i think i may just really like to shop! i'm trying really hard not to over do it! here are some of the things i want...

Cricut expression die cutting machine
new clothes
rolling briefcase
new computer w/ web cam
something to photograph!

that's all i can think of now! i'm sure there really is more!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

okay, so i'm the worst at keeping up with this thing. Josh and i have been staying really busy between work, church and friends we don't have a ton of free time! i'm thankful though. it's nice to have real friends that want to hang out with you all the time. Work is really started to pick up. I'm so thankful for that! i hope it continues to grow like this all sumer long. i know it's not my choosen career path but i hope to really build it up enough so josh can take over and continue to do it! so that's all for today! here's a few pictures from the week.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

a little disappointed...

so for a little while i was thinking i that i may be pregnant but the test came back negative. At first i was really worried because i didn't think josh and i were ready but the more i thought about it the more i liked the idea. i guess the good thing about it is that i guess we can try in the future and it wasn't a one shot thing. we still have time to grow as a couple and get things secure and then we can have kids, besides i have a ton of little kids i can keep, and give back when they cry. that's it for now!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


i'm bored out of my mind, i can't sleep and i really don't feel that great! i keep debating what career path i'll choose and if it will be the right one. i debate on if i have made the right decisions up until now and i wonder what life would have been like had i chosen something different. i know what my perfect job would be but i don't know if it would be successful and i defiantly don't have the support i had hoped for. i really don't have much support for anything these day. I guess one reason i kept thinking i was pregnant was because i wanted a reason to exist, someone who needed me. i don't really know what to think now, all i know is that i just have to keep moving forward, acting, just like the rest of my life, like nothing is bothering me! one day my life will turn out like a fairy tale, all my dreams will come true, but for now it's just the beginning.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

hormones or dreams

okay, i've been feeling really off lately. i feel like i'm going to throw up every night, i'm always tired, and i even have cramps. i really thought for a moment that i may be pregnant. at first i was a little worried and didn't know how i really felt about it, but then i became okay with it. I took a test and it was negative, but i don't know if it is all in my head but i really just feel in my heart that i am. i have an appointment in two weeks so i will really find out! i think i may be disappointed if i'm not! i guess it's all in time though.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Going good

today has been a fairly productive yet not so exciting day.

i first of all went to class, where i completed one class for good with a final and i took a midterm.

then i took the puppies to get their nails clipped (they really hurt when they sat in my lap)

and then i cleaned the house for hours and it still looks like i haven't done much, oh well i guess that's what happens when i'm not living alone.

i'm so sleepy... i think i still haven't full sprung forward. so i will just leave the rest the of the cleaning for friday

Sunday, February 24, 2008

i've been bad

Well, i guess i haven't been too bad, I just haven't kept up with the blogging. I really don't have that much to blog about though. But since i'm hear i thought i'd give you a great idea that my wonderful husband came up.

First off, i'm the worst gift giver, i can't come up with anything creative or something that someone would really want. I think my family is getting tired of getting scrapbooks. Back to the idea that Josh came up with. For my dad for fathers day, to upload photos from when i was a baby until our daddy daughter dance at my wedding. If you haven't heard the song, "she was watching" by mark Schultz then you should listen to it! this is what will be playing in the background as the photos play in a slide show! so i am really working to get this done!